Involuntary Removal of a Child in Pennsylvania

It’s an unfortunate situation when a child is removed from the care of his/her parents. However, it is sometimes necessary and in the best interest of the child to do so.

In the state of Pennsylvania, a child may be removed from their parents’ care voluntarily OR involuntarily for many reasons. Some of the most common reasons for involuntary removal are:

  1. A parent has failed or refused to perform parental duties for the child at least six months prior to the termination being filed.
  2. A parent shows repeated and continued incapacity, abuse, or neglect toward the child.
  3. An agency has removed a child from their parents’ care and has been in the agency’s care for at least twelve months and the conditions for which the child was initially removed have not changed.

If you have any questions or concerns, please give us a call for a consultation.

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